Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome

    • Introduction

    • Tools

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    Module 1: A Tool for Prioritization

    • Get Stuff Out of Your Head

    • Resources

    • The Eisenhower Matrix: A Prioritization Tool

    • Question: What's Important?

    • Using the Eisenhower Matrix

    • Tools and Resources

    • Assignment: Use the Tool

    • Going Deeper

    • Exercise: Challenge Your "Unhelpful Thoughts"

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    Module 2: Super Powers - Conscious Meetings and Delegation

    • Conscious Meetings

    • Challenge Your Meeting Time!

    • Delegation

    • The Delegation Challenge

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    Module 3: Attention, Dopamine and Your Addictive Brain

    • Attention: Your Most Valuable Resource

    • Resources

    • Unconscious Work

    • Working With Your Addictive Brain

    • Exercise: Organize Your Email, Slack, Chat etc.

    • A Mindfulness Practice

    • Resources

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    Module 4: Thinking Time

    • Getting and Using Thinking Time

    • Resources

    • Overcoming Procrastination: Twenty Minutes and the Pomodoro Technique

    • Resources

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    Module 5: Going Deeper - Personal Patterns

    • Personal Patterns

    • Reflections Worksheet

    • Reflections

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    Bonus Module: Hiring

    • When The Water Reaches Your Waist, It's Too Late

    • The "When The Water Reaches Your Waist" Post