
This course contains the tools, techniques and approaches I've found to make Difficult Conversations manageable and successful.

  • Learn how to start the conversation so it begins "on track"

  • Discover how to keep it "on track" and adjust when it starts to become unproductive

  • Learn how to handle "edge conditions" - strong emotion, difficult feedback and difficult people

  • Take advantage of the tools provided with the course: the workbook, Slack workspace and Group Coaching

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Introduction to the Course

    • Tools

  • 2

    What Makes Difficult Conversations "Difficult"

    • The Stakes

    • The Two Minds

    • Evolution: A Short Detour

    • The SCARF Model

  • 3

    Have the Conversation!

    • You Can Predict the Future - But Not Well

    • The Wrong Optimization

    • The Maybe List

    • Fear of the Bad Thing

  • 4

    Preparing for the Conversation

    • Intentions and Stories

    • Consider Your Partner

    • Know What You Want to Say

    • Become Aware of Your Emotional State

  • 5

    Starting on Track, Staying on Track

    • Getting on Track. Staying on Track.

    • Above the Line, Below the Line

    • Starting on Track

    • Things That Work. Things That Don't.

    • Noticing the "Weather"

    • Getting Back on Track

    • Superpowers: Curiosity and Patience

  • 6

    Difficult Situations, Difficult People

    • Trust

    • Negative Emotions

    • Difficult Feedback Conversations

    • Clever Arguments

    • What Can Difficult People Teach Us?

  • 7

    Sixty Second Recaps

    • Above the Line, Below the Line

    • Starting on Track

    • Things That Work. Things That Don't.

    • Noticing the "Weather"

    • Getting Back on Track